Labour Market Analysis

Providing Labour Market Analysis and Expert Opinion Since 1984

Keith Carter was first asked to assist the Court profile an individual’s career prospects and earnings “but for” an index event and review the residual earning capacity of a Claimant in 1980.

Through their history, KCA has dealt with many different and landmark cases, advising not only on personal injury matters, but stress at work, sex, race and disability discrimination in the workplace, equal pay and equal value claims as well as group actions.

In 2000, Keith Carter was asked to chair the non-medical quantum experts’ submission to Lord Woolf’s ‘Access to Justice Report’ inquiry and present written and oral evidence. As the labour market rarely stays static for any length of time, it has been necessary for KCA through the years to review their approach, both to collecting and analysing data, and applying it to the individual’s circumstances.

The above said, being able to review historical labour market information and use this to consider the future is of significant importance as in some cases the past can help profile the future.

Preparing Labour Market Assessments

Interestingly, over the past decade, KCA has seen many changes illustrated by the increase in matters we have been asked to assist in, some of which are shown above. ​

Drawing on its lengthy involvement in preparing labour market assessments for the Court, KCA is uniquely placed to deal with many different occupational categories, ranging from board level to domestic support staff. ​


“It was a pleasure working with you, and [we] would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all your help with the case.”
- Defendant Solicitor
“I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your assistance in this matter and helping bring this matter to a swift conclusion.”
- Defendant Solicitor
“Both we and our client are very grateful for your assistance in the matter without which we would not have been in the position to reach such a beneficial conclusion.”
- Claimant Solicitor

Abuse Case: A v Glasgow City Council

​In this case, the Pursuer suffered abuse whilst in foster care when he was placed there between 1982 and 1987.