Daniel Carter

Vice Principal

Daniel Carter

Vice Principal

BA(Hons), GDL, LLM, PhD

Dr Daniel William Carter is Vice Principal and an Associate Employment Expert at KCA. He has over 15 years’ experience researching and analysing labour markets and employment trends and has been involved in the provision of expert opinion in legal matters relating to personal injury, medical negligence, historic abuse, employment dismissal, discrimination at work, equal pay, and matrimonial disputes for almost a decade. On instruction from many leading law firms across the UK, he has prepared almost 100 reports that have been used in the English and Scottish courts and has presented his expert opinion at Court. ​

Prior to working at KCA, Dr Carter worked in a professional capacity researching, analysing, and discussing labour markets and employment at the University of Leiden in the Netherlands. His doctoral thesis, The European Precariat, focuses on modern forms of insecure and ‘precarious’ employment. He has published numerous book chapters and academic articles; has provided commentary to media organisations; and has spoken at various events in England, Scotland, and across Europe on matters relating to employment, labour markets, and the legal and social protection of workers. He has also provided pro bono advice and expert opinion to organisations and individuals on matters relating to labour markets and employment.

In addition to his PhD, Daniel has a BA(Hons) in Criminology and Sociology from the University of Brighton; a Graduate Diploma in Law (graduated with Distinction) from Bournemouth University; and an LLM in European Law (graduated cum laude) from the University of Leiden.


“May I take this opportunity to thank you for your valuable assistance in bringing this matter to a satisfactory conclusion. Without your help and assistance, compromising this claim favourably for the Claimant would have been difficult.”
- Claimant Solicitor
“Dr Carter […], Thank you for your invaluable time and expertise in today’s proof. Your answers and thorough preparation significantly contributed to the proceedings. I appreciate the effort you put into preparing for the case. The work you completed was instrumental in proceedings.”
- Pursuer Solicitor​
"...I wanted to [...] say my own thank you and to pass on senior counsel’s particular thanks for the quality and speed of your responses to our questions on Friday and today – very, very much appreciated."
- Respondent Solicitor​
Download a copy of Daniel's CV here

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