Keith Carter Principal Keith Carter Principal BA (Hons), MA, MREC, MAE Based on his experience of careers counselling and liaising with employers as to work placements for disadvantaged groups, as well as following a two-year feasibility study making recommendations for the UK’s presidency of the European Social Fund, Keith has, since 1980, provided expert evidence for the Court profiling an individual’s uninjured career prospects and earnings matched against, if achievable, their residual earning capacity. Keith has been involved in many landmark cases including, in addition to personal injury matters, medical negligence, group action matters and equal pay employment tribunal cases. He has also been asked to assist in policy discussions and inquiries including being the non-medical quantum expert giving evidence to the Lord Woolf inquiry and the employment expert invited to give evidence to the Infected Blood Inquiry chaired by Sir Brian Langstaff. Keith has continued to offer individual careers counselling and advice as well as undertaking wider labour market research on pay comparisons and organisational remuneration policies. Keith continues to take the lead in complex employment related cases including historic abuse cases (predominantly, but not solely, in Scotland) and the Postmasters’/mistresses’ miscarriage of justice matters as a result of the Horizon failure. Keith’s publications and a more detailed review of his experience can be obtained from his CV. “We would like to thank Mr Carter for all his help with this case and especially for responding to our urgent queries - Counsel and I really appreciate it.” - Defendant Solicitor Download a copy of Keith's CV here Download