Sports Professionals

KCA possess a deep understanding of the intricacies of the performing arts industry

Over the years, KCA have been instructed to consider the career prospects and earnings for sports professionals in a wide range of professions including Rugby Players in the Premiership, Footballers in the Premier League, Champions League, Scottish Premiership League etc., Golfers in the Challenge Tour, Jockeys, Boxers, Cyclists, Decathletes, Trampolinists, Polo Players and Wrestlers.

As part of profiling a playing career, KCA consider possible earnings that can be achieved under additional headings such as sponsorship, working as a brand ambassador, bonuses etc.

Following completing a playing career, KCA have been involved in profiling careers including for Sports Agents, Motivational Speakers, Scouts as well as careers in finance and accounting, fitness coaching as just a few examples.

Through their comprehensive approach, KCA provide valuable insights that cater to the distinct circumstances and challenges encountered by workers within the performing arts industry.